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contoh kalimat a spot of

"a spot of" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Ah, would you like a spot of tea, sir?
    Ah, apakah Anda ingin tempat teh, Pak?
  • I thought you might like a spot of tea.
    Saya pikir mungkin Anda sukai tempat teh.
  • Oh, uh, would you like a spot of this?
    Oh, eh, kau mau tempat ini?
  • Recently, though, I've had a spot of bother.
    Baru-baru ini , meskipun, gue punya tempat dari repot-repot
  • Well, a spot of bother up at Ellroy Farm.
    Ada masalah yang perlu diselesaikan di Ellroy Farm.
  • No one ever seen a spot of blood before?
    Kalian tak pernah melihat orang yang berdarah sebelumnya?
  • Every kid gets in a spot of trouble now and again.
    Semua ada masalah lagi
  • So why don't we just go sniff out a spot of tiffin
    Kenapa kita tidak menikmati makan siang
  • Come on, Harry, time for a spot of breakfast.
    Ayo, Harry. Waktunya untuk sarapan.
  • What do you say to a spot of tea?
    Bagaimana kalau kita minum teh?
  • I always fancied trying my hand at a spot of science.
    Aku selalu membayangkan berkecimpung di bidang sains.
  • I'm just having a spot of bother with the facilities.
    Aku hanya mempunyai masalah kecil dengan peralatan disini.
  • A spot of that sherry might be nice.
    sedikit sherry itu boleh juga.
  • Dr. Yonechi had a spot of blood on the heel of his hand.
    Di tangan Dr. Yonechi ada tindikan.
  • I heard you got into a spot of trouble in the bush, huh?
    Aku dengar kau ada masalah dipedalaman?
  • We've been doing a spot of late-night gardening.
    Kami sedikit berkebun larut malam.
  • Looks like you're in a spot of trouble.
    Tampaknya kau sedang dalam masalah.
  • Just been informed he's got himself in a spot of trouble.
    Hanya diberitahu ia mendapat dirinya di tempat masalah.
  • Having a spot of tea, are you, dove?
    Kau sedang menikmati teh, sayang?
  • In a spot of bother, are we, sir?
    Apa kita sedang dalam masalah?
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